Student Mental Health and Drug Use: How to approach the situation?

A data-driven update of emerging patterns of mental health and drug use among UK university students and insights on how to best approach this situation.

NeuroSight and the Students for Safer Drug Policy (SSDP) held a free webinar for university staff and interested students to share the results and implications of their recent survey on student drug behaviour and mental health during COVID-19 restrictions.

This free webinar provided attendees with the analysis of the major findings describing the situation and discussed in detail how to best approach the design of tools and interventions that are relevant to students' needs and worries.

Suggested citation: Ozcubukcu, A and Crossland, E. 2021. Student Mental Health and Drug Use: How to approach the situation? [Webinar]. NeuroSight. Available from:

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Student Drug Behaviour and Mental Health during COVID-19: Survey findings


Students’ mental health and drug use during COVID-19: FREE webinar on survey results and implications